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Podcasts are a great source of learning for sales professionals who are always on the go. The best sales podcasts will give you the right ammo to come up with solutions that convert prospects into paying customers. Let’s look at the best sales podcasts that you must listen to, for a stellar sales career. 

15 best sales podcasts you should consider listening to!


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SaaStr is the world’s largest community for business software. They regularly conduct online and offline events. The SaaStr podcast is exclusively for SaaS professionals. Sales teams that work with SaaS products would do themselves a favor by listening to the SaaStr podcast as it teaches them how to get from 0 to 100 million ARR. You can filter the top sales podcasts based on the company’s stage, role, and topic.  

Highly recommended: 10+ of The Top Mistakes Sales Reps Make … That Kill Deals. 

The James Altucher Show

James Altucher podcast

Co-founder of more than 20 companies, James’ show has more than 40 million downloads. The podcast has featured big names like Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, etc.

Highly recommended: You Don’t Get What You Deserve You Get What You Negotiate.

The Advanced Selling Podcast

Advanced selling podcast image

Hosted by authors and sales trainers Bryan Neale and Bill Caskey, the podcast discusses everything that salespeople should be familiar with. With more than 14 million episode downloads and 850+ episodes on offer, this is the longest-running sales podcast. If you are looking to connect and network with sales professionals on LinkedIn, you can even connect with the community, here

Highly recommended: Unlocking Sales Potential With AI.

Outbound Squad

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The show is for those who aim to be high-performing sales reps and want to come up with innovative ways to close deals. Each sales podcast ends with actionable information that can be used by sales professionals in the field. 

Highly recommended: Habits, Building Trust, And Connecting To Your Buyers.

The Modern Selling Podcast

modern selling podcast

Hosted by Mario Martinez Jr., the podcast is aimed at sales professionals, business owners, and anyone who is tasked with generating revenue. There used to be a time when unethical practices were accepted, but things have taken a drastic change, sales professionals must find ways to connect with buyers. The podcast’s episodes reflect on topics that help create a relationship with the buyers. 

Highly recommended: Top Sales Strategies For Becoming A 1% Earner.

Sales Gravy

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The Sales Gravy podcast will give you quick bytes of generous information for sales professionals. Jeb Blount, the host, is a celebrated leader in sales training and enablement solutions and his podcast has more than 205 episodes to his credit. The podcast teaches salespeople how to become better at their craft. 

Highly recommended: The Key To Leading A Multi-Generational Sales Team.

The Tim Ferriss Show

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One of the most famous names in the podcasting world, Tim became a familiar name after his book “The 4-Hour Workweek” became a resounding success. Covering a wide variety of topics, the show is one of the top business podcasts, according to Fortune’s Term Sheet readers. 

Highly recommended: 5 Tips For Emailing Busy People.

Sales Success Stories

Hosted by Scott Ingram, the Sales Success Stories podcast talks about the habits of top sales leaders. The show is replete with interviews with top sales professionals. Buoyed by the success of this podcast, Ingram started “Daily Sales Tips,” a daily podcast and blog for B2B sales professionals. To make sure his audience feels like part of a community, he also built the Sales Success Community. 

Highly recommended: Developing Your Sales Superpower.

The Sales Evangelist

Sales Evangelist podcast

This podcast is hosted by Donald C. Kelly, an accomplished sales coach. The podcast is filled with actionable tips and strategies that sales professionals can employ on a regular basis. Kelly interviews experts in the business world, especially those who have expertise in sales and marketing. 

Highly recommended: How We 3X Our Sales Pipeline.

Your Sales MBA Podcast

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CeCe Aparo and Jeff Hoffman provide deep insights into specific sales situations that are encountered during everyday meetings, pitching, negotiations, pricing, etc. From teaching you how to handle pricing objections to preventing customer churn, the podcast has everything that sales professionals can use to turbo-charge their sales careers. 

Highly recommended: How To Win Deals And Influence Prospects.

The Sales Babble Podcast

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The podcast teaches you the ins and outs of sales, that too in easy-to-understand language. The podcast is perfect for small and medium businesses, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs. Experts in the sales domain are interviewed for the podcast. Some of the topics include prospecting, developing the right sales mindset, selling new products, winning referrals, cold-calling best practices, etc. 

Highly recommended: How To Sell Big Client And Win Tremendous Deals.

Sell or Die

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Even though the name of the podcast is morose, it is chock-a-block with golden nuggets of information on sales prospecting. Hosted by Jeffrey Gitomer and Jennifer Gluckow, it has interviews with leaders who are active sales leaders. It teaches you how to convert a doubting prospect into a happy buyer, the ability to convert virtual connections into customers, how to use webinars and seminars to close deals, etc. 

Highly recommended: Becoming A Master Of Creativity To Sell Ideas.

The Sales Hacker Podcast

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The podcast gives you tangible ideas on B2B sales that can be implemented with ease. Sales leaders and entrepreneurs are the podcast’s usual guests. They break down their sales strategies, share how you can create one from scratch, and suggest best practices that help you achieve your goals. 

Highly recommended: Boosting Sales Performance: Unearthing The Potential Of Women In Sales

Sales Influence– Why People Buy!

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The podcast delves more into how you can use the latest studies in consumer behavior and neuromarketing to sell effectively. It talks about subjects like buyer’s resistance, creating a rapport with the prospect, the psychology of buying decisions, etc. No matter your sales experience, there is a lot of content to consume. 

Highly recommended: Reduce Buying Friction.

Make It Happen Mondays

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The podcast features weekly conversations with John Barrows, the podcast host, and another sales expert. Barrows is a popular B2B sales trainer and brings his sales acumen and years of experience into the podcast. 

Highly recommended: Logan Lyles On Podcast Prospecting.

Wrapping up

Sales professionals can add a wealth of knowledge that will help them in real-life situations. Most sales podcasts can be consumed while on the commute itself. You are missing out on a lot if you don’t listen to sales podcasts on a regular basis. It could be the difference between closing a deal at a premium and getting to know that your competitor swooped in.