Go from spam to inbox for email delivery that matters

Land more emails in the inbox and make your outbound email channel reliable through email warm up.

“I've used probably close to 10 different sales engagement platforms and prospecting tools since beginning my career. Salesgear is one of the easiest tools to use, hands down! It's super user friendly and makes it easy to manage multiple clients all in one account. Since we help prospect for our clients, tools in the past made us get different accounts and it was just a mess and expensive. But having all campaigns in one single spot is amazing!”

Saravana Kumar
Saravana Kumar

Founder and CEO at Kovai.co

Train your email account for the ultimate cold email battle

- Connect your account and relax as automated email warm up manages everything

- Your emails will be opened, marked as important, replied, and taken out of spam automatically

- Every message sent for email warming will be personalized, showing you're not a spammer and validating your credibility

Grow your deliverability automatically

- Enable reading emulation to automatically interact with your warm up emails, replicating human reading behavior

- Achieve the necessary email engagement, both in quantity and quality, to ensure inbox delivery

- Cultivate a positive domain reputation and maintain high deliverability through consistent email warm up

Gain a complete outlook on your email warm up progress

- Get a 360° view of your email warming performance and monitor sender reputation consistently

- Know the exact number of emails that made it to inboxes and those rescued from spam.

- Adjust your warming settings based on your results and keep optimizing your deliverability

Start warming up your email account today

“At Lamdatest, sales teams close deals fast. Velocity is key for us. With Salesgear, our sales leaders are able to scale best practices in record time. Today, sales teams focus more time on closing deals and less on manual tasks.”

Somesh Ojha
Somesh Ojha

Director - Enterprise Account at LambdaTest

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